This family-friendly event hosted by OLLI at WVU and the Community Coalition for Social Justice will be held at 2 p.m. Monday (Jan. 20) on Zoom.
West Virginia residents are invited to compete in the Grow This: West Virginia Gardening Challenge to potentially win thousands of dollars in grant funding by distributing seeds for chives, mesclun lettuce and pickling cucumbers.
As the Center for Community Engagement continues to collect data for the Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement, faculty and staff are invited to attend an open house session to learn more about the process and share the impactful work they are doing in the community.
The program, “Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as Remembered by Storytellers in the Graphic Novel ‘West Virginians’ Experiences in Civil Rights,’” will be held at 2 p.m. Monday (Jan. 20) on Zoom.
Faculty members are invited to join Melissa Latimer, associate provost for faculty development and culture, to learn more about the awards process and best practices for putting together a package or nominating someone from 1-2 p.m. Thursday (Jan. 16) on Zoom.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Unity Breakfast hosted by the WVU Center for Black Culture will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday (Jan. 18) in the Mountainlair Ballrooms.