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WVU CED launches autism resource directory and interactive map

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The West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities has launched a filterable autism resources directory and interactive map, the first of their kind in the state. Listings for nearly 100 different service providers, clinics and more are organized into three main categories: Therapy, Evaluations and Other.

Each main category can also be filtered by county and specific services, such as applied behavior analysis therapy, recreational services, speech-language therapy and more.

April is World Autism Month and April 2 is recognized as World Autism Awareness Day, a time to foster support for autistic individuals and their families.

The mission of the West Virginia University Center for Excellence in Disabilities is to improve the lives of West Virginians with disabilities by supporting more diverse, inclusive communities.

Autism service providers who would like to be included in the resource directory can reach out to Melina Danko, CED assistant director of communications and marketing, at