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Find what you need faster after May 12 upgrade to eCampus navigation

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Instructors will be able to find what they need in eCampus faster with an upgrade to Blackboard navigation coming Thursday, May 12. A new left-hand menu will organize information into a sleek, modern format that will reduce the number of clicks needed to accomplish a task. 

The navigation bar will include links to new pages such as the Activity Stream, Calendar and Messages, providing quick access to the most critical information consolidated from all your courses. The new navigation also works well on mobile devices. 

This upgrade won’t change your courses, which will look and function as they do now. However, the location of some tools (SEI, Qwickly Course Tools) will change. Instructors can also continue building courses for summer and development shells without any disruption. 

There will be a brief eCampus outage 8 a.m.-noon Thursday, May 12, while these changes are made, but instructors should be otherwise unaffected. 

Monitor email for more details about the improvements in the coming weeks and direct questions to