In support of President Gee’s challenge to differentiate, lead and become the destination land-grant university of the future, WVU is launching an IT Modernization Planning project in partnership with Huron Consulting Group.
The project is designed to ensure WVU can face the challenges of the future with a strong, flexible foundation built on modern technology and efficient, effective business processes that support a positive and engaging student experience.
Through the project, the University seeks to identify opportunities and produce a comprehensive, cohesive and inclusive strategy that will reinforce our commitment to teaching and learning, research, service and economic development.
The initial phase of the project involves collecting the valuable perspectives of stakeholders across the institution. If you are asked to provide data, participate in an interview or focus group or complete a questionnaire, please make time to do so. Your input and participation are essential to the success of the project.
Results will be reported in aggregate to the project steering committee, and any specific feedback will be anonymized. This data will help determine the University’s next steps.
Thank you in advance for your participation and support. Contact with any questions.