The Honors College testWELL Learning Center and the Mountaineer Tutoring Network have won the National Tutoring Association's National Tutoring Week contest.
Each year, National Tutoring Week celebrates the hard work of student tutors at college campuses across the United States. The winner of the NTA contest was chosen based on the variety and creativity of the activities held in honor of tutors. Activities at WVU this year included Pi a Tutor, Thank-A-Tutor, Tutor Info Panel, Halloween Card Making, and De-Stress with Dogs events.
As the 2019 National Tutoring Week Outstanding Program, the testWELL Learning Center and Mountaineer Tutoring Network will receive access to additional tutor training through live webinars and workbooks, program membership in the National Tutoring Association, and two free conference registrations for the virtual National Tutoring Association Conference March 2-4, 2020.
The testWELL Learning Center is a multi-subject tutoring center with walk-in hours that serves all West Virginia University undergraduate students. All testWELL Learning Center tutors are certified and are members of the National Tutoring Association.
The Mountaineer Tutoring Network was founded in 2014 as an Honors College tutor leadership project and is a chapter of the National Tutoring Association. The Mountaineer Tutoring Network is open to all WVU tutors who work at learning centers across WVU’s campuses.
The next National Tutoring Week will be held Oct. 5-9, 2020.
Read more about the testWELL Learning Center.
Contact Ashley Watts at or 304.293.2100 with questions.