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CED introduces new handbook for reasonable accommodations in the classroom

Reasonable Accommodations

The WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities has created a handbook for reasonable accommodations in the college classroom as a comprehensive resource that supports both faculty and students throughout the reasonable accommodations process.

Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications that remove barriers and enable students with disabilities to have equal access to education. Examples include extended time on exams, note-taking assistance, accessible classroom locations and the use of assistive technologies.

For students, the guide helps them understand their rights, identify their needs and learn how to request accommodations.

For faculty, the guide helps them understand their responsibilities while learning how to receive accommodation requests, discuss them with students and implement them into their classroom.

To begin the process of requesting accommodations, students can contact their university or college’s disability services office — sometimes called the office of accessibility or student accommodations. 

WVU students should start by reaching out to the Office of Student Accommodations at 304-293-6700 or

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