Information Technology Services reminds employees that they should never store personal credit card numbers, Social Security numbers or tax information on University-owned computers, OneDrive or transmit that information by email.
These practices put your privacy and financial information at risk.
W-2 forms can be printed via the Portal. Connect to the VPN if you are off campus, click on the MyHR tab in the Restricted Apps section and select W2 Information, then log in with your WVU credentials on the Oracle screen.
Do not download or save a copy of this document to any University-owned or -managed computer or tablet.
Storing Social Security and credit card numbers on University machines is also prohibited under the University’s Social Security Number Protection Policy, except where required by state or federal law for business purposes.
The Acceptable Use of Data and Technology Policy gives the University the right to monitor technology resources to ensure compliance with various policies, and employees should have no expectation of privacy when using a WVU technology resource, including email and computers.