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WVU to celebrate commuter and non-traditional students

Campus Students

Commuter Student Programs within the Office of Campus and Community Life will celebrate Commuter and Non-Traditional Student Appreciation Week from Nov. 27-Dec. 1.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate a deserving commuter or non-traditional student to win a $50 gift card. The winner will be announced at the Commuter Student Program holiday party scheduled for 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, in Elizabeth Moore Hall.

To express our appreciation for all of our hard-working students, Commuter Programs will provide snacks and giveaways on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Commuter Lounge, located in Elizabeth Moore Hall, Room G11.

Keep an eye on the @WVUCommuters social media accounts to learn more about the nominees, finalists and winners. 

For questions, contact Skylar Braithwaite at