As we begin another semester at WVU, our campus community is reminded that we utilize the WVU Alert system to inform our community about emergencies and other incidents on or near campus. This notification system disseminates important information quickly and efficiently via emails, text messages and other platforms.
The three-tiered notification system — WVU Alert, Campus Warning and Community Notice — allows the University to communicate as effectively as possible with faculty, staff, students, parents and other community members with guidance provided by the Clery Act.
The University also uses a WVU Clery Geography map to guide decision making when sending notifications. To ensure the following of Clery Act requirements, the map outlines areas in which certain incidents must be reported to our campus community via the Campus Warning tier. Campus property is included in this map as well as some adjacent off-campus property.
A WVU Alert is immediately sent when there is an imminent threat or impact to the safety of the campus community, including when the University is delayed or closed due to emergency weather conditions.
These types of alerts are required by law and include the most urgent messages of the three tiers.
WVU Alert notifications are sent at the discretion of WVU Police and University leadership and are only sent when our community is believed to be in immediate danger.
These messages will be sent to our community immediately upon confirmation of the situation. Additional messages may follow the initial message to provide updates or give instructions.
Incidents in this tier could include:
acts of criminal violence, like an active shooter or a bomb threat
civil unrest or rioting
hazardous materials incidents
earthquake, tornado or other extreme weather conditions
emergency weather-related delays or closures
The campus community will be notified of incidents in this tier through all available modes of communication, including:
text message
social media posts from the @WVUalert Twitter and WVU Safety and Wellness Facebook and Twitter accounts
website updates (,,
InfoStation messages
LiveSafe mobile app
A Campus Warning is sent when a Clery-reportable crime occurs within the area designated by the Clery Act and reported to campus security authorities like WVU Police or local police agencies, and are considered by the University to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees.
These types of alerts are required by law.
Incidents that fall into this tier will occur in the Clery-reportable regions as outlined in the WVU Clery Geography map. This can include on-campus property as well as adjacent off-campus property.
These messages will be sent as soon as sufficient information is available, though they may not be sent instantly, depending on the amount of information known at the time.
Incidents in this tier could include:
motor vehicle theft
sexual assault
hate crime
aggravated assault
The University will use email communications, LiveSafe mobile app and social media posts from @WVUsafety Twitter and WVU Safety and Wellness Facebook accounts, as well as other channels of communication where necessary, to communicate these incidents to the campus community.
A Community Notice is sent so that the University can enhance student and employee safety and provide useful information to the community.
These types of alerts are not required by law and are typically less urgent messages. In addition, these notices could be sent for incidents that occur outside of the Clery-reportable region and generally in the Morgantown area.
Incidents in this tier could include:
pedestrian safety protocols
mental health resources
crimes in areas outside those designated by the Clery Act, but where students and/or employees may be affected
The @WVUsafety Twitter and WVU Safety and Wellness Facebook accounts as well as LiveSafe mobile app will be utilized to communicate these incidents to our community, as well as other channels of communication where necessary.
The University strongly encourages all students, faculty and staff to download the LiveSafe mobile app and to register both their email addresses and cell phone numbers with the WVU Alert system.
Current students are automatically subscribed to receive WVU Alert emails, and they will receive text messages if they have provided a cell phone number to the University. Students should log into their accounts to add their phone numbers and periodically verify all contact information is correct.
Students also may add their parents’ cell phone numbers and/or email addresses to their accounts to receive alerts. Only students can add this information to their accounts.
Faculty and staff are not automatically subscribed to receive WVU Alert emails or text messages. They should visit the log-in page to sign up and add their contact information to the system. Faculty and staff accounts must be validated by following the steps provided. Employees also should periodically log in to confirm that their contact information is correct.
The WVU Alert system for the Morgantown campus will be tested at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18.