Although most courses have moved online for the remainder of the semester and many employees continue to work remotely, the first major snowfall of the season serves as a reminder for students, faculty and staff about how the University responds when harsh winter weather occurs.
Should conditions occur making travel potentially dangerous, both students and employees are reminded to use their own good judgment before venturing out.
Any decision to cancel classes – or to close the University or a regional campus or office – will be made after several University officials have consulted on the condition of campus roads and grounds as well as conditions in the vicinity.
A declaration of a weather emergency by the governor does not automatically close WVU campuses or offices.
Students should inform and work with their instructors and work supervisors regarding expected absences due to weather.
Faculty should also make every effort to notify students in advance if they need to cancel class.
In the event of delayed or cancelled classes while the University is still open, many units will remain operational, including dining and residence hall services, roads and grounds crews, libraries and others. These units are reminded to review their emergency internal operating procedures.
Unless the University is closed, employees who need to be on campus will need to work with their supervisors to take annual leave or flex their schedule within the work week.
If officials do decide to cancel classes or close the University, students and employees will be informed through many outlets, including:
• A text alert
• for faculty and staff
• MIX e-mail and Unews.
• Traditional and social media such as @WVUSafety on Twitter or WVU Safety and Wellness on Facebook, etc.
Information regarding WVU Tech’s Inclement Weather Delays/Closure Policy can be found at
Potomac State College’s policy can be found at
WVU Extension Service will follow its internal inclement weather policy, which can be found at