WVU undergraduate students are now able to select High Pass/Pass/Fail (HP/P/F) grading for their courses. Students may select the HP/P/F option on a course-by-course basis; they may have some courses that use the traditional letter grading scale and some that are on the pass/fail grading scale. This revised policy is for undergraduate students only.
Undergraduate students considering this option are encouraged to discuss HP/P/F grading with their academic advisor before filling out the online request form. Some departments require advisor approval before the change is implemented. It is important that students understand the impact of this grading option on GPA, degree progression and graduate or professional school applications. Once the HP/P/F option has been selected for a course, it cannot be reversed.
Complete details about HP/P/F grading, along with FAQs and the online request form are now available online. The deadline for requests is April 24.