While there currently are no confirmed cases of coronavirus COVID-19 in West Virginia, the WVU Auxiliary and Business Services team has been taking several precautionary measures in recent weeks to limit the spread of respiratory diseases on our campuses.
These efforts include:
Increased frequency and more detailed cleaning of public and high-touch areas of campus (e.g., door knobs and handles, elevators, water fountains, handrails, computer labs, etc.).
The deployment of additional hand-sanitizer stations at locations across campus, including Personal Rapid Transit stations. If you would like to request a hand-sanitizer station in a specific location, contact your building supervisor or call the WVU Facilities and Services helpline at 304-293-HELP (4357).
More frequent disinfection of PRT vehicles and University buses/vans
Further, in addition to a continued focus on food safety and good personal-hygiene habits of its staff, WVU Dining Services has enacted the following preventative measures:
Changing out tongs and other serving utensils in dining locations every 30 minutes.
Ensuring employees are wearing gloves and following proper hand-washing procedures.
Providing hand-sanitation stations at the entrance to dining halls.
As a reminder, in addition to these measures, there also are some simple personal preventive-care methods you can take to protect yourself and others from contracting COVID-19:
Washing your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
Avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth.
Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or the bend of your elbow, not your hands.
Using the nearest waste receptacle to dispose of the tissue after use.
Avoiding contact with sick or affected individuals.
Additionally, sick individuals are urged to stay home.
Visit coronavirus.wvu.edu and view this fact sheet for more information. Additional information can be found on the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources website. University employees and students should continue to monitor their email inboxes, as well as the website, for updates.