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Welcome to the new MOUNTAINEER E-News

In response to requests and comments gathered in a survey of MOUNTAINEER E-News readers last year, University Relations/Communications has revamped the daily e-mail, taking advantage of changes in the delivery platform that allow readers to customize what they receive.

The version you are receiving today (July 2) has all categories selected, but if you want to see only selected ones, go to the bottom of your MOUNTAINEER E-News email, select “Edit preferences,” and check the ones you want. Don’t forget to hit “Update profile” when you’re finished.

After that, you will see only the day’s featured items at the top, plus new entries from your selected categories.

You may edit or update your preferences as often as you like.  

Please note: the MOUNTAINEER E-News editorial team will place posts in only one category which best reflects the topic area.

  • Announcements (High-level messages from or about the University, posts that involve multiple Colleges or units, posts involving units not affiliated with a College such as Administration, Student Life, Alumni Association, WVU Extension Service, WVU Foundation, etc.)

  • Events (University-wide events as well as those for units not affiliated with a College such as Administration, Student Life, Alumni Association, WVU Extension Service, WVU Foundation, etc.)

  • Colleges (News, information and events related to specific Colleges and Schools including Potomac State College and WVU Institute of Technology)

  • Health (News, information and events related to Schools within the WVU Health Sciences campuses and WVU Medicine)

  • Research (News, information and events related to research at the University including research within Colleges and Schools and health related research)

  • Athletics (News, information and events from WVU Sports)

Posts of high importance or interest to the University community will be included in the top section of the email which everyone will receive regardless of preference settings.

If there are no items in a particular category, you will see the message “There are no posts in this category today.”

The daily email also contains a link to where you can browse all MOUNTAINEER E-News posts when it’s most convenient for you.

You will also find links to University resources such as Staff Council, Faculty Senate, Administration, President’s Office, Transportation and Parking, Information Technology Services, and initiatives such as Go Beyond. You will also find videos and links to WVUToday, WVU Calendar, WVU Magazine, as well as “Submit to E-News” and “Learn more about E-News” links.

We encourage you to bookmark

We are always looking for ways to improve communications within the WVU system. Contact with questions, concerns or comments.

Watch the video to learn how to set up your personalized MOUNTAINEER E-News experience and see new features of the e-mail and website.