The West Virginia Public Education Collaborative invites colleges, departments, units, student organizations, service centers and extracurricular groups on- and off- campus to host events during Remake Learning Days in West Virginia slated for May 17-25.
Events can be held on campus or in the local community. Virtual and hybrid events are also encouraged.
Designed to spark curiosity and engage learners in grades pre-K through 12 and their families, events can center around different themes in the arts, engineering, technology, science, leadership, outdoor learning and more.
The deadline to submit an event is March 7.
The WVPEC hopes to continue to grow the impact of Remake Learning Days, now in its 10th consecutive year, with expanded partnerships at WVU and across the state.
Help showcase West Virginia as a great place to work, explore and learn together, and inspire a new generation of learners and innovators through fun, creative and interactive activities.
Find more information and apply for a mini-grant.
For more information, contact