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Libraries offering several Research Commons workshops

Library Research Skills Workshop

WVU Libraries Research Commons will host several online workshops in October.

EndNote Basic

EndNote Basic is used to collect and organize references as well as cite them while writing a paper. It can also be a powerful collaboration tool. Learn how to quickly and easily collect reference information from online databases via direct export or importing as text files.

Register for this noon-1 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 4) workshop.

Data Visualization and Presentation with R and RStudio

Participants in this workshop will learn how to visualize data using the open-source package ggplot2 and how to present analysis and findings with the open source package RMarkdown.

Register for this 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 4) workshop. 

Writing an NIH Data Management Plan with DMPTool

Many research funders are requiring Data Management and Sharing Plans. This workshop will go over the basics of the NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan and introduce participants to DMPTool, an open source, online application that helps researchers create DMPs that comply with funder requirements. Participants will be able to create a DMPTool account and start working on a DMSP during the workshop. You should attend this workshop if you are planning on submitting a renewal and resubmission due Nov. 5.

Register for this noon-1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, workshop.

Patents: Learning how to Search

Knowing how to search patents is helpful for inventors to see what similar items already exist. It can also help in researching older technologies and figuring out how a new technology works. Attend this workshop to learn how searching patents using classification will assist you.

Register for this 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, workshop.

From Page to Database: Finding Scholarly Articles from Popular Sources

Do you want to be able to identify quality articles and find scholarly sources from articles you might see in casual reading? This workshop will help alleviate the stress of research by bolstering your skills in both of those fields. Be prepared for some interactive participation in evaluating articles.

Register for this 2-3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, workshop.

Introduction to Research Data Management

Participants will learn how to manage research data throughout its life cycle: creation, processing, analysis, preservation and reuse. Topics covered include organizing data, using file naming conventions, writing a data management plan and preparing to share data.

Register for this 1-2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 16, workshop.

Zotero: A Free, Easy-to-Use Citation Manager

Zotero is a free, online citation manager that can help you collect, organize, format and share citations.

Register for this 4-5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 18, workshop.

What Works Best — Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus

Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar allow you to get a landscape of a field of research. By comparing these three tools, you can discover the advantages and disadvantages for using these bibliographic databases.

Register for this from 3-4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19, workshop.

Licensing Your Data for Open Science

If I deposit data from my own experiment, can I control how other people use it? Can data be copyrighted? Why should I openly license my data? In this workshop, we will explore these questions and give suggestions on data sharing and reuse, as well as why openly licensing your data can avoid copyright issues for international collaboration.

Register for this 1-2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 23, workshop.

Online Research Tools for Academic Writing

This workshop will highlight popular online tools that assist writers with various stages of paper or essay writing. Find out ways to improve your writing skills with online tools designed to help you write more effectively. Discover research tools that will save you time and help you organize your research. Writing and research tools discussed will cover topics including grammar, editing, plagiarism, citation management, finding relevant articles from your field, finding article summaries and note-taking software.

Register for this noon-1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24,  workshop.

Getting Started on a Literature Review

Do you have a literature review in your future? This workshop will cover the steps of a lit review and practice database search strategies. 

Register for this noon-1:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25, workshop.

Introduction to Open Education

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “open education?” Do you think of open educational resources ? Textbook affordability? Saving students money? You’re right. Open education can help make higher education more affordable, yet there’s more to open education than the affordability aspect or even the resources themselves. Attend this introductory workshop to learn more about open educational practices that can provide you with even more strategies and approaches to remove barriers to student learning. This workshop uses a social justice approach to open education.

Register for this from 10-11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, workshop.

Create with Canva

Ever wanted to create something that stood out but don't have the graphic design skills or means to use traditional software? Learn at the Create with Canva workshop! Canva is a cloud-based program that lets you design your own presentations, resumes, posters, social media content, and more, for free. Participants in this workshop will learn what kind of content they can create, the basics how-to's and leave having started or finished their own project. 

Register for this 2-3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, workshop.

Incorporating Open Access and Open Educational Resources into your Instruction

Are you trying to find low-cost resources for your students? Incorporating Open Access and Open Educational Resources could meet this need. Learn how to locate these resources and how to incorporate them into your class. Learn the meaning of open access licenses.

Register for this 3:30-4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, workshop.

Create, Reuse, ReMix, Creative Commons and other Open Licenses for Open Education

Creative Commons licenses allow for uses beyond those typically allowed under copyright law. Most OERs use and are licensed with a Creative Commons license. This workshop will introduce you to Creative Commons and other open licenses, as well as teach you how to find CC licensed works and license your own works.

Register for this 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, workshop.

First Steps with R and RStudio

R/RStudio is open-source statistical analysis software that is free and can be used on your personal computing device. Participants in this workshop will be introduced to basic concepts that are necessary to operate R functions as well as an introduction to entering and reading data into R. No experience with R is necessary, however, participants will need to bring a laptop with administrative privileges.

Register for this 3:30-5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, workshop.

To find other workshops offered throughout the semester, watch for MOUNTAINEER E-News or visit the Libraries’ workshop page.