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Learn how to use R and RStudio for research

library data workshop

WVU Libraries is offering workshops on learning how to use open-source or widely available software for data analysis and visualization. This spring, we have a series on learning to use R and RStudio, including two special workshops on applying the knowledge you have acquired to perform special functions.

First Steps with R and RStudio
This workshop will introduce participants to using R and RStudio. No prior programming knowledge is required, just a basic understanding of computer files and folders.
Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesday, March 21

Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, March 22 

Special Topics in R and RStudio: Exploratory Data Analysis with Tidyverse
This workshop will introduce participants to using the Tidyverse package in R to perform tasks such as reading data, analyzing data and plotting data. Participants are expected to have attended the First Steps with R and RStudio workshop or to have some basic knowledge of using R.
Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Tuesday, March 28 

Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, March 29 

Special Topics in R and RStudio: R Markdown for Publication
R Markdown makes it possible to work on a whole research project from within R Studio in an easily reproducible manner: from data upload, cleaning and analysis, to writing your paper, and adding figures, citations and bibliography with proper formatting. No prior programming knowledge is required, just a basic understanding of computer files and folders.
Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Friday, March 24 

Special Topics in R and RStudio: Quarto for Authorship and Publication
Quarto is a scientific and technical publishing system built that makes it possible to work on a whole research project from within RStudio in an easily reproducible manner: from data upload, cleaning and analysis, to writing your paper, adding figures, citations and bibliography with proper formatting. No prior programming knowledge is required, just a basic understanding of computer files and folders.
Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Thursday, March 23  

Special Topics in R and RStudio: Scraping Census Data with Tidycensus
Tidycensus is an R package that provides tools to interact with U.S. Census data in a user-friendly manner. This workshop focuses on acquiring and wrangling Census data using the Tidycensus package. Participants are expected to have attended the First Steps with R and RStudio workshop or to have some basic knowledge of using R.
Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 5 

Special Topics in R and RStudio: Scraping Twitter
This workshop will introduce participants to using R and RStudio to scrape twitter. Participants are expected to have attended the First Steps with R and RStudio workshop or to have some basic knowledge of using R.
Register for the workshop scheduled for 3:30-5 p.m. Thursday, April 6