Intended for early career faculty and graduate students, the Library’s Scholarly Communication workshops are designed to help you maximize your scholarly presence, find the right journal to publish in and measure your scholarly impact.
Copyright in your thesis or dissertation
Join us for a workshop specifically about copyright and graduate student work.
Register for the 2-3 p.m. workshop planned for Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Submitting your ETD to the Research Repository @ WVU
We will explain the ETD formatting requirements, walk you through the submission process and answer all of your questions to help make your submission stress-free.
Register for the 1-2 p.m. workshop planned for Tuesday, Nov. 1.
Register for the 11 a.m. to noon workshop planned for Wednesday, Nov.16.
Register for the 3-4 p.m. workshop planned for Thursday, Dec. 1.
Research Tools and Software for Academic Writing
In this workshop participants will explore popular online tools that assist writers with various stages of academic writing.
Register for the noon to 1 p.m. workshop planned for Wednesday, April 13.
Preparing for a Poster Session
Learn how to develop a poster presentation, including best practices for design and engagement. Researchers of all levels are welcome.
Register for the 4-5 p.m. workshop planned for Wednesday, Nov. 16.
Writing about Data: A Scientific Writing Workshop
This workshop will explain the conventions of writing about data, including integrating tables and graphs, using the passive voice and writing successful summaries.
Register for the 5:30-7 p.m. workshop planned for Wednesday, Oct. 12.
Copyright Permission: Who Can Grant it, and How to Ask for Them
Join us for a workshop on copyright permission.
Register for the 2-3 p.m. workshop planned for Thursday, Oct. 20.
Open Access Primer
Get up to speed with the Open Access movement in this one-hour workshop.
Register for the 10-11 a.m. workshop planned for Monday, Oct. 24.
Red Flags, Green Flags: Avoiding Fake Journals When Publishing
Learn about strategies and resources to help you evaluate journal quality before publishing.
Register for the 3-4 p.m. workshop planned for Tuesday, Nov. 1.
The Public Domain and Other Important Exemptions to Copyright
This workshop is designed to help answer questions related to the public domain.
Register for the 3-4 p.m. workshop planned for Monday, Nov. 7.
Measuring and Promoting the Impact of Your Research
This workshop will provide an overview of traditional and nontraditional scholarly metrics and will discuss tools to measure research impact.
Register for the noon to 1 p.m. workshop planned for Thursday, Nov. 10.
Find more information on these scholarly communication workshops.