Front Line Professionals meetings return for the first time since COVID-19 on Friday, Oct. 7. Open to all WVU employees, these meetings provide a venue to connect, share and learn beyond just what is happening in your own corner of campus.
You are invited to bring your lunch and a colleague and join us from 12-1:30 p.m. Oct. 7, at Reynolds Hall’s Esbenshade Auditorium.
To accommodate time for a tour of the new building, including the new Downtown Fitness Center on the ground floor, we will only host one formal speaker this month, Dean of Students Corey Farris.
Heather Richardson, assistant dean in the Chambers College, and Andy Darling, Campus Rec director, will then provide an overview of the new building and the Downtown Fitness Center before folks are able to head to check out the various aspects of the new facility.