As part of efforts to promote a positive and inclusive culture at West Virginia University, all faculty and staff received an email invitation and link from on Monday, Feb. 7, to complete an online training module titled “Harassment & Discrimination Prevention & Meridians.”
The deadline to complete the training is March 7.
The module will cover several key topics designed to assist faculty and staff in building and maintaining a healthy campus community. For example, many employees are required to report issues like sexual harassment, discrimination, stalking, sexual assault and dating/domestic violence. This training, which will take approximately 60-75 minutes to complete, will define how to make a report.
In addition, completing this training will provide each employee with information on how we all can live our WVU values of Service, Curiosity, Respect, Accountability and Appreciation. At WVU, we want to do everything we can to encourage happy, healthy working environments. We all need to understand the laws and policies that affect our work. We all need to understand how to help a colleague or student who has experienced violence or discrimination.
The training previously was provided to all new faculty and staff; however, it also is important for all employees to remain current on the information. That is why we are expanding the scope and requiring all employees to complete the training. Those employees who were recently hired and already have taken the training will not have to complete the module again this year.
This or similar training will be provided annually moving forward. The specific module will rotate and change from year to year, but all training will relate to WVU Board of Governors Rule 1.6 – Rule Regarding Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Domestic Misconduct, Stalking, Retaliation, and Relationships.
Supervisors will be notified of employees who don’t complete the module by the deadline March 7. If an employee does not complete the course after the involvement of the supervisor, the issue will be referred to WVU Employee Relations.
Once employees receive the invitation and link, questions can be directed to
FAQ and additional information are available at