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Upcoming changes to WVU’s employee quarantine requirements

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Effective June 1, WVU will update its quarantine requirements for faculty and staff based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and WVU health experts.

Exposure to someone who tests positive for COVID-19

  • In general, employees who are exposed to someone who tests positive COVID-19 are required to quarantine for 14 calendar days. However, there are exemptions to this requirement, which are outlined below. Those who are quarantining should not return to campus or their work site during this time.

  • Supervisors are encouraged to provide a full or partial remote work assignment for this time if possible. If a remote work assignment is not practical or available for the full 14 days, employees will be required to use sick and/or annual leave for the duration of their quarantine period.

Travel outside of West Virginia (excluding commuting to work)

  • If an employee chooses to travel outside of the state of West Virginia, they will be required to quarantine for five calendar days. As with those who are exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19, there are exemptions to this requirement, which are outlined below. Those who are quarantining should not return to campus or their work site during this time.

  • Employees who regularly work on campus will be required to use annual leave to cover the quarantine period and should plan accordingly when scheduling out-of-state vacations. During this time, employees may request a remote work assignment from their supervisor. However, a remote work assignment will not be guaranteed based on the college, department or unit’s operational needs.

  • WVU Medicine clinical faculty, residents and fellows should follow WVU Medicine’s travel guidelines.


 Employees who meet any of the following conditions will be exempted from the University’s quarantine requirements:

  • The employee has been fully vaccinated, is more than 14 days past their last vaccine dose and remains asymptomatic.

  • The employee had a COVID-19 diagnosis, is more than 14 days past their diagnosis and is within 90 days of receiving a positive test result.

  • The employee has been approved for travel that is deemed justifiable and low risk by a college dean, vice president or HR director, and a post-travel quarantine will create hardship to the individual or the unit involved.

  • When making decisions about employee quarantine periods, supervisors should ask the employee if they meet one of the criteria above in order to assess the appropriate action. The University will not require proof of an exemption, but employees must understand that failure to be truthful in this process could result in disciplinary actions.

Visit the Return to Campus website for more information. Contact Employee Relations at EmployeeRelations@mail.wvu or 304-293-5700 ext. 5 with any questions. You also may contact your HR partner.