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The Women in Natural Resources to host virtual symposium

student wearing a mask and a laptop

The Women in Natural Resources will host a virtual symposium featuring poster presentations, a guest speaker and social hour on Friday (April 9).

From 1–2 p.m., students in the Division of Forestry and Natural Resources will participate in a virtual poster session.

 From 2-3 p.m., Danielle Schwarzmann, chief economist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, will present “Success isn’t Standard.”

Schwarzmann is responsible for the design, development, implementation and production of products to support the national marine sanctuary system. She is also responsible for the integration of economics with natural sciences to evaluate ecosystem services.

Following her presentation, from 3–4 p.m., there will be a virtual social hour.

The symposium events are free and open to the University community. Pre-register to receive the Zoom link.