The login screen will look different for Office 365 applications such as Outlook, Microsoft Word and Teams, beginning May 19 regardless of whether you log in from a web browser, a desktop application or a mobile app.
Enter your WVU Login username and password as you do now, then confirm with Duo two-factor authentication. You will be required to re-authenticate every so often, and after changing your password. After signing in to one O365 application, you’ll be signed in to all of them.
After this change is made, you will be required to log in a second time if accessing your Outlook inbox or calendar from To avoid this, ITS recommends you log in to Outlook directly.
This update is required to accommodate changes that Microsoft is making in the way usernames and passwords are authenticated, and to address emerging privacy and security concerns. This change does not affect users with an email address because the Health Sciences Center has its own Office 365 system and has already made these adjustments.
Direct questions to the ITS Service Desk at 304-293-4444 or