Register for the Division of Talent and Culture’s Supervisor Essentials full day of learning. “Fostering a Fair and Ethical Work Environment” will be held Feb. 11 from 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Mountainlair’s Rhododendron Room.
Fifty seats are available and registration is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
We've brought together those who know the topic best to walk you through the process, give you access to the tools you need, help you identify common pitfalls, and provide you with a tip sheet and key contact if you have any questions after the training.
Topics included are:
Managing Absences Effectively
Job Descriptions and Compensation Basics
Recognition Program
Search and Hire Process
Employee Onboarding
When to Use Disciplinary Action
We value your leadership and have openings remaining to ensure every supervisor has the opportunity to learn more about effective practices.
Learn more about the supervisor “do’s and don’ts” by attending Supervisor Essentials.
If you have questions, contact Leadership and Organization Development at 304-293-7217 or
Complete the registration form.