The Office of Graduate Education and Life is sponsoring a workshop on Writing a Diversity Statement Jan.16 from 3:30 - 5:p.m. in the Mountainlair Greenbrier room.
Diversity Statements may be a critical part of your job application and are an increasingly popular way to encourage prospective employees to consider the particular contexts of universities in terms of location, population, or curricular emphasis. Diversity statements are also a way to encourage prospective employees to think more about how to maintain diverse, respectful, and critical learning environments.
This workshop will discuss a variety approaches to these statements drawing on your experience related to research, teaching and service. A free-standing statement, in other words, should be organically connected to your other application materials. In addition, we will discuss how to define diversity, taking into account the expected demographic categories of race, gender, sex, sexuality, disability, gender identity, region, religion, veteran status and more. We’ll also discuss other aspects of diversity that may also respond to institutional needs, for instance, work with first-generation college-goers, urban or rural students,or aspects of your teaching and research that are connected to critical thinking, free speech, respectful professionalization or diversification of your field. Light refreshments will be provided at this event.
Speaker: Dr. Cris Mayo, Director of the LGBTQ+ Center and Professor in Women's and Gender Studies