The Center for Service and Learning has a new service opportunity that is starting this year through the AmeriCorps State program called the Collaborative Direct. In this program, students will receive the Segal Education Award that is currently $1252.91 at the completion of serving 300 volunteer hours in one year, averaging about 6-8 hours a week. Students in this program will be able to go to school full time while participating as an AmeriCorps Member.
Students can choose from two tracks:
Peer Transition Leaders focus on increasing academic support and community building for at-risk students at West Virginia University. These members will be responsible for increasing student study habits, student involvement and participation in diverse service opportunities that will increase persistence and reduce time to graduation. This will be done through direct and indirect contact with students and staff in the Office of Student Success. Start date will be mid-October.
Innovative Service Champions are given the opportunity to connect with community nonprofits to better serve the population living in poverty in our communities. Community nonprofits will provide continuous mentorship and guidance in terms of civically engaged careers. The ISC AmeriCorps members will promote and recruit for the nonprofits to increase the number of WVU students going in to the community! Start date will be September 24.
Students can now apply on the Americorps website.
If you know of a student that would benefit in serving as an AmeriCorps Member with the Collaborative Direct or have any questions, email