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Ada Lace, ‘Take Me to Your Leader’book signing and STEM fair planned

Cover of Ada Lace Take Me to Your Leader on blue background
Local author and  alumna Emily Calandrelli ("The Space Gal") will host a STEM Fair and book signing at Barnes & Noble at the University Town Center Sunday (July 1). The STEM fair will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and the book-signing begins at noon. The goal of this event is to engage the community in science and space exploration through hands-on interactive activity stations with experiments, games, and make-and-take projects. Activity stations include exhibits by NASA WV Space Grant Consortium, WVU SWE, WVU IEEE, WVU ARC, WVU Interactive Robotics Laboratory, WVU Psychology Club, WVU RASCaL Mars Rover and SPARK.