WVU Research Computing is hosting a free High Performance Computing Summer Institute at One Waterfront Place in Morgantown July 16-19. This four-day opportunity will be a mixture of lectures and hands-on lab time. Alternatively, participants can attend remotely via web sessions.
The workshop will start off with a basic introduction to HPC, where new users can learn about using HPC clusters. In the following sessions, users will get a more in-depth look at programming, data storage and parallel computing. New and experienced users will both learn how to use Information Technology Services’ HPC resources efficiently.
Participants must register for the entire workshop and select either in-person or remote attendance. Each workshop session will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break. Participants are responsible for their own meals and should also bring laptops in case provided workstations are occupied. One Waterfront garage parking will be validated.
To register, you must enter HPC2018 as the password when accessing the Eventbrite form. We only have 20 spots available for the in-person sessions and 50 spots available for the remote, web-based sessions. View an overview of the schedule below and direct questions to hpc-team@hpc.wvu.edu.
Schedule Overview:
Day 1: Introduction to HPC (Infrastructure, CPU trends, job processing, basic scripting, post-processing)
Day 2: Six Programming Languages for Scientific Computing (R, Julia, Python, Fortran, C/C++, Assembler)
Day 3: Data – From Storage to Mining (XML, JSON, CDF, NetCDF, HDF5, SQLIte and MongoDB)
Day 4: Introduction to Parallel Computing (OpenMP, MPI, GPU programming)