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AmeriCorps VISTA Opportunities at WVU

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Ready to graduate? Taking a gap year? Need a job? The Center for Service and Learning is seeking candidates to fill the remaining positions in The Collaborative at WVU. The AmeriCorps VISTA program is a perfect opportunity for current or graduating students to gain professional development, network within the community, and help pay for school. The available positions are: the Rack Food Pantry, The Daily Athenaeum, the Social Action Clinic and Potomac State College.

The Collaborative aims to leverage resources at WVU to build capacity and develop programs to improve outcomes in the community.  AmeriCorps VISTA is a full-time, 40 hours per week, one year commitment. Deadline for applications is January 5. Visit the the My Americorps page and do a listings search for "Collaborative at WVU" to apply!

Benefits of VISTA include:

  • End of Service Award: Choose between the Segal Education Award ($5,815) to pay for a range of education expenses or End of Service Cash Stipend ($1,500)
  • Biweekly living allowance
  • One year of Non-Competitive Eligibility (NCE) giving you an edge in the federal hiring process
  • Health Coverage
  • Assistance in finding reduced cost housing
  • Can be enrolled as a student, as long as you're not full-time (less than 12 hours).
  • VISTA now allows outside employment, as long as it doesn't interfere with VISTA activities and special events.

If you are interested, or know of a great candidate, please contact Amanda Young at 304.293.8348 or

For more information visit The Collaborative @ WVU page on the Center for Service and Learning website.