The Community Music Program announces Family Music Time sampler sessions. This class allows families with children to experience music together, at different developmentally-appropriate levels. Younger children enjoy learning from older children and older children enjoy the opportunity to be role models. Parents/caregivers will also have a ball singing and dancing along, too. Explore the wonderful world of imagination and music. The course will meet in the Creative Arts Center on Thursday evenings, as three different offerings: two-week sampler (June 8, 15), four-week sampler (July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3), six-week sampler (all listed dates). The course is designed for ages one month to 5 years old, and runs from 6 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. each Thursday. For more information and sampler costs, contact the Community Music Program at 304.293.6946.